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Objects: A Clean Alternative to Switch Statements in JavaScript

Published: at 12:10 AM

Switch statement have been a staple of JavaScript for conditionals. But what if there’s a more readable and maintainable way? Enter object literals, JavaScript’s versatile data structures, offering a compelling alternative to switch statements in many scenarios.

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Why Consider Objects?

While switch statements work well, they can become cumbersome with numerous cases. Here’s where objects shine:

Making the Switch 🥸

Let’s see how an object can replace a switch statement. Imagine a function that greets users based on their language preference:

function greet(language) {
  switch (language) {
    case "en":
      return "Hello!";
    case "es":
      return "¡Hola!";
      return "Hi!";

Here’s the equivalent using an object:

const greetings = {
  en: () => "Hello!",
  es: () => "¡Hola!",
  default: () => "Hi!",

function greet(language) {
  return greetings[language] ? greetings[language]() : greetings.default();

The object greetings stores greetings for specific languages. The function retrieves the appropriate greeting using bracket notation and calls it as a function if it exists. Otherwise, the default greeting is returned.

When to Use This Approach

While objects offer advantages, consider these points:


The inspiration to write this post comes from this TomDoesTech video I came across way back. I think Tom makes really great videos and his channel is worth giving a look 🙏.